
PAIN…we often avoid our pain yet…it is called pain for a reason…it can break us open to MORE LIFE it doesn’t have to be permanent it is transitory if we allow it. We often get stuck on our process and old stories clinging to the half life and victim archetype as we are afraid of stepping into our fullness and […]

Everything We Love We Will Loose….it doesn’t have to be bad

Reflecting in my morning practise I was lead down a path of the past. This time of year seems to being that for many of us. Erring towards winter a natural release and shedding as we move towards the dream time. The deep belly of winter. I found myself thinking about a past love and a friend, both of whom […]


I don’t know about you but I’ve been having a lot of very strange and in-depth dreams recently last night they were about betrayal. I realise that I’ve held a story for a very long time, lifetimes even! It is also in my family system and held in the collective. The story is one around betrayal of the masculine and […]