…do you find yourself in the desert of your life or fertile hills?

Do you find yourself in the desert of your life or in the last and green fertile valleys and hills? Which is your medicine?

Do you find yourself walking alone through the open landscapes where little grows? Yearning for the smallest drop of touch, nourishment? Tongue parched like your barren heart, lips cracked longing for the moisture of another’s kiss? Your own kiss?

When was the last time you took your time to make love to yourself, for yourself? To treat your body and your soul to what it’s calling for. To listen to the deepest desires and smallest moments of true self nourishment. To languish and take the time for you.

The give, give, give of the martyr complex has to cease. How do you anticipate being of use, service and significance in the world, if you drop by drop, drip by drip are giving each bit of your final vital life blood and breath?….

…trust the process

TRUST THE PROCESS….give space to where there is space. Give time to where there is time….Give nourishment to what is there…..learn to self-parent…..from here we plant seeds that develop strong deep roots. From here we allow the fullness of creativity to flow. From here we nourish and become nourished, we cease to burn ourselves out, we have sustainability. We flourish, we thrive. From here we become. TRUST THE PROCESS lean back into the arms of the self, of the divine and allow. Don’t push…allow….for me I am still surrendering and learning and TRUSTING THE PROCESS I know it is a life-long lesson and journey for me but hey…I love to learn…TRUST THE PROCESS my friend….