…there is no smoke without fire.

We are on a wild ride of awakening. Of opening. Of seeing. Of loving. Of showing up in the world and for ourselves, communities and our beloveds.

…dear woman, know how you are needed.

You have a part to play and that is no longer a passive role. It is time dear woman to slip on the golden slippers and own the worth of you, your work, your place in the world. Dearest one, Sovereign becoming and being in your life start, start now. Step by step, breath by breath. Open your heart, your womb, your legs and mouth to the world, to life itself, to the wholeness of YOU, to your own God. The holy of holies and begin in this moment to breath the breath of life, for all life. First your own.

…do you find yourself in the desert of your life or fertile hills?

Do you find yourself in the desert of your life or in the last and green fertile valleys and hills? Which is your medicine?

Do you find yourself walking alone through the open landscapes where little grows? Yearning for the smallest drop of touch, nourishment? Tongue parched like your barren heart, lips cracked longing for the moisture of another’s kiss? Your own kiss?

When was the last time you took your time to make love to yourself, for yourself? To treat your body and your soul to what it’s calling for. To listen to the deepest desires and smallest moments of true self nourishment. To languish and take the time for you.

The give, give, give of the martyr complex has to cease. How do you anticipate being of use, service and significance in the world, if you drop by drop, drip by drip are giving each bit of your final vital life blood and breath?….

…a cloak of many colours…

These times. These times are YOUR times. Learn to dance the weave of this cloak that fits you, it flows and dances with you. Fully surrender the old cloak…too baggy, too tight…..too heavy….too putrid, too full of other people’s stories and projections and allow yourself the gift of the co-creation of you in ALL the fullness of beauty.

Be a mistress to your own destiny, a commitment to yourself, it Is through this commitment you are able to thus become a conduit for others.  This beauty, taming her ‘beast’ becomes the Queen of her own life, her destiny and thus surrenders the old as she stands naked clothed only in her cloak of many colours woven from the threads of the Fae, passed through the milky way and the deepest parts of the earth. Woven together with the dreams, prayers and knowledge of you and your nectars; Your co-creation.

Weave dear sister, weave, these times are calling, they are now, they are vital.

Become the colours of the earth and dance your own path of creation

…begin now

Through the creation you change stories and patterns, you give an expression, you honour them, you release them. We are unable to fully let it go without first being grateful. Grateful for the pain, for the loss, for the lessons, for the space that has come. The space. The pregnant pause. The void. So like nature is self we can begin again….

…becoming Queen

Becoming Queen…a channelled message It is time Dear One to begin to own your own crown.  You are a Queen in the making, yet, we cannot become fully Queens unless we are ready to become a Sovereign of our own life.  This means taking full responsibility for all areas in your life.  It is healing the darkest quadrants, the deepest […]

…trust the process

TRUST THE PROCESS….give space to where there is space. Give time to where there is time….Give nourishment to what is there…..learn to self-parent…..from here we plant seeds that develop strong deep roots. From here we allow the fullness of creativity to flow. From here we nourish and become nourished, we cease to burn ourselves out, we have sustainability. We flourish, we thrive. From here we become. TRUST THE PROCESS lean back into the arms of the self, of the divine and allow. Don’t push…allow….for me I am still surrendering and learning and TRUSTING THE PROCESS I know it is a life-long lesson and journey for me but hey…I love to learn…TRUST THE PROCESS my friend….

…a letter from love

                                            Dear love please help me see the way clear in my heart and life to the way forward, what action am I to take in life?  What stays? What goes? What is an illusion? Dearest heart, please know how deeply you are loved by those behind and before the veil, the only one that struggles to see their brilliance […]

…how do you ‘self care’?

How often have you found yourself asking one or all of the following?   ‘What’s wrong with me?’ “What did I do wrong?’ ‘Why does no one love me?’ ‘Why do I fall for someone, only for them to not want me?’ ‘What. Why. How….?’ You know what I am referring to if you resonate with any of these… If […]

There is no 12 step program for being human

There is no 12 Step Program for LIFE…..here I may sound contradictory but stay with me…. I’ve been contemplating life…and death. As is my constant question and work both …with myself and my clients I’ve been thinking about what it means to ‘be human’.  What I see in many people and myself is a need for a ‘recipe’ a 12 […]